Small and Alternative Power Engineering

 engineering and construction organization of  power plants small and medium capacity




Press publication

1. Magazine "The Expert. The equipment. The market, the offer, the prices". March, Num. 03 (63), 2002

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Article "The heat and an electricity. Steam-turbine and gas-turbine technologies in electric power production" in partition "Electrical power equipment".

In article it is told that many regions began to exhibit concern to small energetics, and on building of own power stations began to reflect not only the industrial enterprises, but also municipal services on an example of retrofit of thermal power station in Mikhailovka. Article has following partitions: "effluents of turbine technologies", "modern production", "foreign GTU: pluses and minuses", "problems and paths of their solution"".

The complete text of article in a format *.pdf, the size 781 kB

For the period of a writing of article thermal power station building was only in plans, and for today the station is constructed and starting-up and adjustment works (see completed projects, GTES-12 МВт in Mikhailovka the Volgograd region) are held.


2.  Magazine "Gaz-turbine technologies", February-March 2009, Num. 2 (73)

скачать статью в формате *.pdfArticle "That it is necessary to know to the Customer at a power station choice""

The complete text of article in a format *.pdf, the size 577 kB






3.  The catalogue of the advanced technical solutions. Partition "Automation of operating procedures". The publishing house - Turbine technologies discharge June, 2013 

Article "Questions of heat utilisation of GTU exhaust gases on compressor stations"